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Elmete Wood SchoolElmete Lane,Leeds, LS8 2LJ
0113 2655457
0113 2655450
Age ranges
Secondary (9-16)Further (16+)
School types
(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties
Esland Daven SchoolDane Valley Mill, Havannah Street,Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 2AH
01260 294909
[email protected]
Primary (2-9)Secondary (9-16)Further (16+)
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and DisordersVisually ImpairedHearing Impaired(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)DyspraxiaNeurological Disfunction and Disorder / Brain Injury(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical ImpairmentGifted Children(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesSexual / Emotional / Physical AbuseDown's Syndrome / Williams Syndrome / Fragile XCerebral PalsyADHDEpilepsyTourette’s SyndromeRett syndromeComplex health needsArtificially-ventilated breathing and/or tracheostomyFostering
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Esland Grantham SchoolNewton Chambers, Isaac Newton Way,Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 9RT
01476 855604
Esland Shropshire SchoolThe Old Navy Building, Station Road,Ditton Priors - Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 6SU
01743 668900
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)Dyspraxia(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesSexual / Emotional / Physical AbuseDown's Syndrome / Williams Syndrome / Fragile XADHDFostering
Green Meadows SchoolBradford Road,Guiseley, LS20 8PP
01943 878536
(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Headstart SchoolCrouch Lane, Ninfield, East Sussex, TN33 9EG
01424 893803
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties
Henshaws CollegeBogs Lane, Starbeck,Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 4ED
01423 886451
01423 885095
Further (16+)
Full boardFlexible board
Visually Impaired(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment
Hereward CollegeBramston Crescent, Tile Hill Lane, Coventry, CV4 9XP
024 76461231
024 76694305
Full boardFlexible boardDaily
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)Neurological Disfunction and Disorder / Brain Injury(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment
Hillingdon Manor SchoolThe Manor and The Lawns, Harlington Road,Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB8 3HD
01895 813679
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication Difficulties(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesComplex health needs
Hinwick Hall College - The Shaftesbury SocietyWollaston Road, Hinwick,Wellingborough, Northants, NN29 7JD
01933 312470
01933 412470
Full board
(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment
Hope Corner School70 Clifton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4TD
01928 580860
InFocus CollegeTopsham Road, Countess Wear,Exeter, Devon, EX2 6HA
01392 454200
Full boardFlexible boardDailyRespite
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and DisordersVisually Impaired(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesCerebral PalsyEpilepsyTourette’s SyndromeComplex health needs
Joseph Clarke SchoolVincent Road,Highams Park, London, E4 9PP
0208 523 4833
0208 523 5003
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesVisually ImpairedHearing Impaired(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment
Linn Moor SchoolPeterculter, Aberdeen, AB14 0PJ
01224 732246
01224 735261
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties
Longdon Park SchoolPark Hill, Hilton Road,Egginton, Derbyshire, DE65 6GU
01283 733 195
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties
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