Chelsea Hall School
Special needs catered for
All of our pupils have mild to moderate, and sometimes multiple, learning needs and/or disabilities (SEND). About half of our pupils have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. All of our pupils have an educational healthcare plan (EHCP).
Support services provided
Our strong focus on integrated and intensive therapeutic intervention - including occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and play therapy - aims to address any underlying barriers to learning which may include:
- Social communication
- Emotional regulation
- Sensory integration
The Hall has four therapy rooms, six classrooms, a large hall for dining, social and creative activities, as well as a library, a small playground with play equipment and sensory spaces. The decor is different from typical schools too and we see that many children immediately recognise that it is different. Many children make rapid progress when compared to their mainstream experience where they may have been struggling academically or socially from as young as four years of age.
Aims and philosophy
Chelsea Hall School is a welcoming school where everyone is valued highly and where tolerance, honesty, co-operation and mutual respect for others are fostered. We are committed to the development of the whole person within a supportive, secure and creative environment. A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum provides equal opportunity for all pupils, irrespective of difference, to maximise their potential and thrive.
Our aim is to meet each student's unique developmental, behavioural, and emotional needs as well as help develop his or her cognitive abilities through a therapeutic and educational firm foundation of skills.