Jubilee School
Special needs catered for
Jubilee School provides highly effective education, therapy, welfare and support for both boys and girls aged from 8 to 16 years who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties as well as other complex needs.
Typically students will present with behaviour that challenges, some will have associated learning difficulties and almost all children will have encountered negative educational experiences or disruption, and consequently lack confidence in their own abilities. A stable and caring environment combined with high staff to student ratios, ensures that every student at Jubilee School has the opportunity to develop their abilities, share new experiences and be supported in realising their future dreams. Jubilee School wants ‘education’ to be a positive and enjoyable experience where students are proud of their achievements and strive to do well.
Students may come from foster placements or from local families that need specialist provision and many of our students reside in one of the local children’s homes offered by Acorn Education and Care.
Specialist facilities
We provide individually designed education and therapy programmes, an ethos of mutual respect, trust and high expectations, a positive environment which celebrates and rewards success and progress, full time education in a creative and stimulating environment, emphasis on personal and social development and a pathway to independence, small teaching groups of 3 to 6 and high staff to student ratios.
Support services provided
The school’s designated team reflects the needs of the children and young people that learn with us, however additional support can also be accessed from other specialists within the wider Clinical Team. This enables us to be responsive to any newly identified, time limited or changing needs of a child or young person throughout their placement with us.
Offering highly specialised screening, assessment, consultation, reflective practice supervision and bespoke training, the embedded Clinical Team work directly with the education team to develop a shared understanding of the child’s presenting needs and difficulties which may act as barriers to their personal and educational development as well as identify areas of strength which can support them to achieve, enjoy and fulfil their aims and wishes.
The clinical team support the education team in developing a pupil centred curriculum which proactively promotes the children and young people’s emotional, social and mental health. We aim to deliver the highest quality provision which maximises each person’s quality of life and personal achievements.
Our evidence informed models are based on best practice guidance and are governed through the Outcomes First Governance Framework.
Home school links
Jubilee School provides every student with a broad, balanced, differentiated and relevant curriculum based on the National Curriculum guidelines. A comprehensive 14-16 curriculum Pathway is available at Jubilee and at local colleges. This offers GCSE, BTEC, ASDAN, NVQ, DofE and other external examinations, catering for their current and future needs.
Each student is supported in identifying and achieving their ambitions through effective transition planning and a comprehensive careers service including support from an independent career advisor. Students are encouraged to voice their views regarding their provision and are involved in setting their own development targets to enable them to realise their short and long term goals.
Jubilee School encourages students to develop their learning, leadership and independence skills through a well-balanced curriculum offering academic, creative, practical and physical experiences. Embedded within the fabric of Jubilee School is the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of each student. There is a strong emphasis on learning outside of the classroom making the most of the local facilities and the South Downs. We have developed strong links within our local community with local colleges, businesses, charities and sport centres.
Aims and philosophy
Jubilee School is committed to increasing the learning opportunities for all its pupils.
Our pupils may have experienced failure in education and trauma in their personal lives which often results in low self-esteem. Jubilee School therefore endeavours to empower its pupils through successful learning to develop their confidence and self-esteem. We involve the pupils in their learning by listening to their views and considering their choices.
Jubilee School is committed to empowering and inspiring individuals to learn, achieve and succeed, in a bid to help reintegrate them back into mainstream settings, facilitate plans to return home or enable them to progress as individuals in their own home placements and schools.
Staff qualification and selection
At Outcomes First Group we make a real commitment to training and developing our staff. Our training is focussed on the needs of the specific services as well as the individual employee and the company. We recognise that training, learning and developing our staff is key to delivering high quality services and to the success of our company.
Our commitment is to guarantee that all employees complete mandatory, refresher and specialist training and have the opportunity to undertake developmental training opportunities.
We offer BILD accredited behaviour support training relevant to the service which equips employees with the knowledge and skills to manage a broad range of behaviours to ensure everyone’s safety in the workplace.
Outcomes First Group is committed to meeting regulatory qualification requirements and timeframes to ensure a suitability qualified, knowledgeable and competent workforce.
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