Longdon Hall School
Special needs catered for
• All pupils will have a statement of special educational needs or Education, Health & Care Plan
• The statement/EHCP will specify that the pupil exhibits emotional and behavioural difficulties.
• Pupils will normally have been assessed as being within the low average to above average ability range.
• Pupils may have learning difficulties and/or low attainment that are associated with their emotional and behavioural difficulties.
• Pupils may have specific learning difficulties associated with ASD, a range of complex learning and communication needs and additional needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
Specialist facilities
The school prioritise the core subjects of English, mathematics, science and ICT. They also provide for young people to undertake creative learning opportunities. British values and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are at the heart of everything they do.
The curriculum is complemented by integral therapeutic activities delivered by the psychology and occupational therapy teams, where appropriate. Timetables reflect this broad range of provision.
Aims and philosophy
Our vision is to offer a personalised learning experience whilst addressing a complex range of barriers to learning, including social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and associated conditions including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiance disorder and a range of autistic spectrum disorders. We will meet the needs of the most vulnerable young people and will equip them with the necessary skills for life through differentiated learning and intervention support.
• To meet the specific individual social, emotional and learning needs of each individual through the delivery of a flexible, creative and engaging curriculum
• To deliver a service based on a person centred approach focussing on developing self-esteem and wellbeing set within the context of a safe, therapeutic and nurturing learning environment
• To encourage young people to explore how they think and how they behave through provision of a variety of therapeutic inputs including psychology, mental health specialists, speech and language therapist, occupational therapists, cognitive behaviour therapists, counsellors, art and play therapists
• To promote and maintain the highest standards of behaviour and to achieve excellence in education and curriculum delivery
• To support families and carers through close working partnership