Oak Tree School

Special needs catered for

• Will be aged between 7 – 16 years

• Will most likely have a statement of special educational need or education and health care plan (or will be under assessment)

• May have social, emotional, mental health or behavioural difficulties

• May have autistic spectrum conditions

• May have specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia

Specialist facilities

What is the INTENT of our curriculum?

All staff at Oak Tree school are committed to delivering “the best education for every child”. The aim of our broad and balanced curriculum is to ensure children leave our school with tolerance and respect for others, emotional resilience, good social skills and the best outcomes possible.

Our ambitious curriculum has four goals and is designed to help our children to;

1. maintain positive and healthy relationships so they can socialise with others well and experience lifelong friendship and love. We know that this will help raise self-esteem and lead to a more positive outlook on life, thus helping to ensure the best future outcomes.

2. become emotionally resilient. Prior to joining us our children have found it difficult to understand and regulate their emotions, often leading to behaviour that has challenged. This has led to them being unsuccessful in previous educational placements. It is our ambition to support and educate our children so they are able to regulate their emotions and behave in a way that allows them to be successful in the future. When children leave Oak Tree school we want them to understand their emotions and how best to manage them positively.

3. become tolerant and respectful individuals who will not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty.

4. achieve the best possible outcomes. We know that this is different for every child that attends our school. It is our ambition to ensure ALL learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the academic, technical and vocational curriculum and therefore achieve the very best results. Careful baseline assessment of each child allows us to create differentiated provision with high expectations for every learner – the leadership team are unwavering in trying to help children secure their very best. We know that this will help our children move on to the best post 16 destinations available to them. We are committed to ensuring our children leave Oak Tree school ready to access either;

- the highest level of post 16 education possible appropriate to their ability, interests and aspirations

- relevant and considered employment and/or training that broadens horizons.

Foundational Curriculum (KS2 &3)

The skills learnt in our foundation curriculum prepare our children for KS4 (Options Curriculum). The curriculum at KS2&3 (Foundation Curriculum) includes English, Mathematics, Science, Physical and Outdoor Education, Computing, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Religious Education, Music, Languages (via termly cultural weeks), Relationships and Health Education.

Options Curriculum (KS4)

In KS4 all children will be offered options alongside a core curriculum of English, Maths and Science, Physical and/or Outdoor Education, Citizenship and Relationships & Health Education. Students will get the opportunity to choose from a range of vocational, technical and academic qualifications including (but not limited to);

• GCSE in English, Maths, Science, Art, Business Studies, Citizenship, DT, Global Perspectives, History, Media Studies, Sociology, Textiles

• BTEC Awards/Certificates in Vocational Studies – following a choice of pathway – Caring for Children, Home Cooking Skills, Performing Arts, Sport and Active Leisure, Land Based Studies and Construction/Practical skills, vCert in Graphic Design, Young Enterprise Project, Junior Sports Leader Award

• Arts Award at Bronze or Silver Level

• ASDAN Short Courses

• Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Support services provided

Onsite therapeutic interventions are embedded into the daily practice of the school, enabling each young person to acknowledge their strengths and build on their own resources to increase resilience.

Home school links

At Oak Tree school we work incredibly hard to involve parents and carers in everything we do. We know that if we can support our families outside of school hours it can help everyone to flourish. We offer a summer school where we expect all students to take part and benefit from the exceptional outdoor educational offer Oak Tree presents so that children can make the most of all the wonderful outside experiences Cornwall has to offer. We also run an outreach service where students and families can benefit from the staff working with children outside of school hours – helping them to access clubs and activities in their local areas.

Oak Tree is also passionate about supporting families with the best training available. Our educational psychologists and therapists will co-ordinate regular training sessions for our parents and carers to attend, helping to develop a really holistic approach for every child that attends.

At Oak Tree school we recognise how important it is to help our children prepare for the next phase of their academic life after leaving. We have forged positive relationships with a host of post 16 colleges and destinations. We set up regular meetings with independent career advisors for all our children throughout their time with us at school. We work tirelessly to find the very best post 16 destination for all our children – no matter what ability or needs.

General environment

Oak Tree School is a fantastic environment for children to work and staff to teach. We have recently completed an extension allowing us to work with 65 children and families. We now have extensive teaching spaces and specialist classrooms including Catering, DT, Science and Art. We also have a sensory room and improved outside play areas. We are currently developing an outside vocational area where we hope to encourage students to learn more about horticulture and animal care.

Aims and philosophy

Oak Tree School is committed to raising achievement and enabling all pupils to recognise and fulfil their potential, and support them through a personalised, engaging and relevant curriculum. We will address a complex range of barriers to learning including conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiance disorder and a range of autistic spectrum disorders.

Our priorities are to develop and improve the core knowledge and skills required to make a manageable and successful transition to work, college and adult life. We will provide a structured and supportive environment where our children and young people feel safe enough to take responsibility for their actions. Pupils will be encouraged and taught to make positive choices and decisions and therefore present and display socially acceptable behaviours.


Oak Tree School
Truro Business Park,


01872 264 221



[email protected]





Teaching staff



Mike Deacy

Special needs support staff


DFEE Registered number


Length of school year

39 weeks

Age range

7-16 years

Number on roll


Type of school



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